Creativity allows us to stretch our boundaries and look at life more deeply. Creative Spirit is authentic and self reflective. Imagination is the power to change the world. Storytelling touches hearts and inspires action. Mukutan comes from a rich history of creativity. The poetry and magic of this land stimulate the mind and one’s sense of wonder. The rhythms of Mother Nature still the soul and allow space for the mind to expand.
A major aspect of our vision includes collaboration with creative souls and ways of thinking, and to offer in return a space for creative exploration and expression.
“​Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything."
George Lois
Mukutan Conservancy hosts Artists-in-Residence programmes which invite artists and writers from across geographical areas and diverse disciplines to reflect upon and deepen our connection with Nature. Artists and Writers have the power to touch the spirit, open our eyes, change our perspective, move us to tears, dispel myths, transcend cultural barriers and distil the essence of complex systems and patterns.
Mukutan Conservancy has for many years hosted peace and arts festivals that bring together communities across the region to celebrate their shared natural heritage. These festivals host both visiting artists and performers from around the world as well as local groups sharing their traditional dances and art, building Mukutan’s reputation as a place that connects people across culture and geography.
The Great Rift Valley Earth Festival is an example of such an event, seeking to advocate for decisive action to promote and influence policies and activities that will lead to protection, conservation and management of environment and natural resources in a sustainable manner, to help curb climate change while improving the living standards of the communities.
These events also provide employment and exposure to hundreds of local community members.
Mukutan is part of an always evolving story. Made famous through Kuki Gallmann’s books and centred in the lore of many of indigenous communities, our very location in the “cradle of humankind” resonates deeply with the human ability to share our experience and create new possibilities through narrative.
For this reason, we emphasise the importance of story in everything that we do, from education to arts to hosting visitors, where you’ll be brought into and entranced by the profound drama of life, both human and animal, that unfolds here at the birthplace of our species.