Mukutan is situated at a junction where six distinct ethnic communities intersect. Each of these communities derive their livelihoods from the land, albeit in different ways, which means we all rely on our shared eco-system for sustenance and livelihood. Basic human needs must be fulfilled in our neighbouring communities to build peace and resilience and for conservation principles to hold meaning. Many of our neighbours live in isolated regions and suffer the trials of marginalised communities, with poor access to healthcare, schooling and income generating opportunity. We ensure that the conservancy serves as an economic anchor and incubator for the region wherever possible.
There have been sporadic cycles of ethnic unrest in the area, most of which derive from competition over resources or political incitement, and the Conservancy supports several projects which enhance the cultural fabric of the area and promote peace. Through empowerment and education we aim to create a harmony between people and place, ensuring that those we live alongside derive a direct benefit from our conservation efforts and nurturing a culture of environmental stewardship.
We communicate and collaborate with our community through a formal network, known as the Mshipi (meaning belt in Swahili), of community-elected representatives from over 30 villages near our boundary. Sitting squarely between the worlds of pastoralist and agricultural Kenya, the Mshipi Initiative provides insight and opportunity to support a relationship that is critical to the country’s future. Through committees of elders, women and youth leaders, we closely deliberate matters concerning the conservancy as they relate to community enterprise, employment, education, and development in our region, building a shared vision across the diverse perspectives and needs of our neighbours. The Mshipi - our community committee, represents 120, 000 people.
We believe effective experiential education is the thread that connects the needs of diverse individuals and communities to their landscape — providing a common orientation towards the mutual thriving of humans and the earth. Education is the glue that coheres our projects in biodiversity conservation, community development, and peace and reconciliation.
The renascent Mukutan Wilderness Education Centre is the cornerstone of our visionary model of conservation. After serving tens of thousands of students from across Laikipia and the globe for many years, the MWEC has recently been re-imagined as an even more expansive initiative, pioneering into wilderness expeditions and specifically focusing on integrating pastoralist youth through peacebuilding curriculum and outdoor adventure. Grounded in the experiential model of leadership and collaboration, it provides students with exceptional scientific curriculum, immersive wilderness experience, and the space for spiritual reflection in a transformative environment.
You cannot love and protect what you do not know — and many Kenyan students have never experienced the compelling biodiversity of their own country. By partnering with public, private, and international school systems, we are making the unparalleled landscape and wildlife of Kenya accessible and indispensable to any student.