Mukutan is an expansive conservancy in Laikipia on the rugged edge of Kenya’s Great Rift Valley, with sweeping views overlooking Lake Baringo, and across the iconic ecosystem of the Laikipia Plateau, to the slopes of Mount Kenya and beyond. Life abounds through our ancient cedar forests, scrubland plains and down the mysterious Mukutan Gorge, where visitors can find peace and inspiration in this remote, storied corner of the world. Our name derives from the Swahili word for “a meeting place” – and sitting at the convergence of diverse biomes, cultures, languages, and ideas, we strive to be a centre for collaboration, courage, and coexistence through conservation.

The ultimate mandate of Mukutan is to conserve our biodiversity and natural resources for the people and wildlife of Kenya for posterity. Mukutan is a major source of water, carbon sequestration, healthy soils and abundant life supporting the well-being of all those who live near it. Working closely with our neighbouring communities we believe that humans and earth’s great wild spaces can coexist in harmony. Through innovative community enterprises, research programmes, and wildlife monitoring and protection, we are committed to working with nature, for nature.
We are fortunate to be part of a rich community with whom we share both our natural resources and a vision for the thriving future of our ecosystem. Culturally, Mukutan and its surroundings are highly diverse and include communities of the Kikuyu, Pokot, Samburu, Ilchamus, Tugen, and Turkana. With a team of community officers, we engage in constant dialogue through a Community Council to better understand the unique challenges facing them and how we can work together to solve them.

“There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns.” —Edward de Bono
Imagination is the power to remake the world, and creativity allows us to explore the spaces in between accepted truths. Mukutan believes that artistic expression can transcend and integrate cultural differences, and has a long history of inspiring the creative ethos within all who visit. Through festivals, storytelling, artists’ retreats, and experiential education, we work to reconnect with our hearts and minds in nature, in order to find innovative solutions to the challenges within our world and ourselves.
Harnessing nature’s bounty whilst protecting its foundations is central to ensuring the land can take care of its people, and vice versa. It is imperative for our communities to derive direct tangible benefits from the protection of the indigenous biodiversity. We have developed and invested in multiple social enterprises that generate income for the community from sustainable, regenerative programmes.

We invite you to step into the iconic and unforgettable landscape of Mukutan. We will take you on a journey that delights the senses, stirs the spirit, awakens ancient memories, and brings you into our vibrant community of conservation through our innovative projects, programmes, and events.
"In the wilderness, I found solace, strength, and a profound sense of belonging. It was here that I realised the importance of preserving these wild spaces, not just for the animals, but for our own well-being."
Kuki Gallmann
Our vital work at Mukutan Conservancy relies on support from our non-profits, ensuring your donation makes the greatest impact:
Gallmann Africa Conservancy (U.S., tax-deductible 501(c)(3) status)
Friends of Gallmann Memorial Foundation (UK, Charity Number: 1000713)
Gallmann Memorial Foundation (Switzerland)
All donations go directly towards protecting wildlife, preserving ecosystems, and supporting local communities in and around Mukutan Conservancy. ​
Your donations keep us going, and enable us to keep this wild and unique landscape protected.
Thank YOU, you are making a difference!